About HIE
Harris Interim Executives (HIE) is a team of seasoned and accomplished executives who are readily available to work for your organization on a contract basis. Our aim is to fill your immediate gaps in senior management expertise and/or capacity to undertake critical projects. The benefit to using HIE is that we help maximize your organization's financial performance by eliminating the need to commit to a high salary executive on a permanent basis with the added cost of associated benefits.
Our HIE team is a rock solid roster full of loyal, committed, accomplished, credible executives that are hand picked by our leadership team. By contracting an HIE team member, you will be working with a talented professional who can temporarily fill any unexpected gaps in your senior management, or lead a critical project that your organization does not have the capacity, experience, or expertise to handle.
Contract one of our executives today!
Contact HIE when you have an immediate or temporary need for an executive to:
Bring part-time and cost-effective expertise to your organization or start-up
Fill a management gap within your organization
Lead a critical project
Real Work = Real Results
HIE executives are hands-on, contributing members who temporarily join your management team. We deliver immediate assistance, including facilitation and implementation services. HIE does NOT provide traditional consulting services.​ What we DO provide, is a credible executive who works on location at your organization and functions as an effective leader.
Interim Positions
HIE Provides
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Chief of Human Resources (CHR)
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Executive Director (ED)
Project Director (PD)
Consulting Services HIE Provides:
Corporate Restructuring and Development
Project Leadership
Process Analysis and Implementation
Marketing Plan Development
New Business and Start-up Planning
Information Technology Management
Contact us!
Our front desk is open Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
1400-444 St Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3T1
(204) 942-8735